Clean Eating …. Another Great Way to Stay Healthy

Clean eating is a deceptively simple concept. At it’s simplest, clean eating is about eating whole foods, or “real” foods----- those that are minimally processed, refined, and handled, making them as close to their natural form as possible.

Eating clean is a good was to refresh your eating habits. It is about eating more of the best and healthiest options in each of the food groups and eating less of the not-so-healthy ones. That means embracing whole foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains, plus healthy proteins and fats. It also means cutting back on refined grains, added sugars, salt and unhealthy fats.

 10 Tips for Clean Eating

1. Limit Processed Foods
2. Bump Up Your Veggies
3. Cut Down on Saturated Fats
4. Reduce Alcohol Intake
5. Un-Sweeten Your Diet
6. Watch The Salt
7. Choose Whole Grains
8. Eat Less Meat
9. Up Your Fruit Intake
10. Nix Refined Grains

 eat right