
How May We Serve You?

Hampton Roads Food Safety Company trains groups of employees at your location and customizes classes to meet your objectives.


How To Reach Your Target Market
In the retail and restaurant industry determining your target market offers a competitive advantage.
There are proven tests and marketing methods to meet these objectives. We will help you explore how your establishment might perform in the competitive market, identify your competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses, and position your concept against theirs. People have different tastes and interests and the bottom line is there is simply no way that you are going to be able to appeal to all of them. If you want to be successful in the retail and restaurant industry we will assist you in defining your demographic. These are some thoughts to consider as you assess your target market, who is most likely to enjoy your establishment, do you have a good location, and are your prices competitive?

This course provides specific guidance in determining the most productive methods for
achieving this advantage.

  • Determine your demographic group’s wants and needs.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Keep up with market trends.
  • Develop your brand.
  • Focus on the niche product.
  • Assess your location.
  • Essential elements of a good business plan

 This course provides specific guidance in determining the most productive methods for achieving this advantage.


Food Handlers Educational Program—price may vary

Our 90- minute program is designed for individuals who work with unpackaged and/or packaged food, utensils or food equipment, or food contact surfaces. The class can be conducted on- site
or off-site. The information presented is compatible with local and state regulatory requirements.
Upon completion of the class, you will be issued a food handler card from your local health
department. This class focuses on:

  • Potentially hazardous foods
  • Foodborne illness
  • Ways food can become contaminated
  • Basics of good hygiene
  • Storage of food
  • Proper use of gloves
  • Four methods of thawing food
  • Proper minimum internal cooking temperature
  • Proper use of a thermometer
  • Food allergens

This class is offered to churches, professional and civic organizations, daycare providers, food service workers, retail and restaurant establishments.

Food Allergies: What You Need to Know

Each year, millions of Americans have allergic reactions to food. Although most food allergies
cause relatively mild and minor symptoms, some food allergies can cause severe reactions, and may even be life-threatening. To protect your customers, you should be able to recognize signs and know what to do. This class is available for businesses and consumers. What you need to know:

  • Common food allergens (The Big Eight)
  • Allergy symptoms
  • Preventing allergic reactions
  • Food allergen labeling
  • Responsibility of service and kitchen staff


Train the Trainer Seminar
As a manager, it is your responsibility to ensure employees have the knowledge and skills needed to effectively perform their jobs. This seminar provides the training and confidence required to succeed. Areas covered include budgeting, marketing, human resource management and food safety training. Participants learn to write training goals that support organizational objectives. Some of the essential elements in our Train the Trainer seminar include:

  • choosing appropriate training-delivery methods
  • selecting training materials
  • determining the best method for evaluating employee knowledge


Food Defense Plan Seminar
This seminar provides understanding and guidance for developing a food defense plan based on a common sense approach. Using tools created by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Hampton Roads Food Safety Company this plan identifies the points in your operation where food is at risk. The Food Defense Plan provides preparedness training to prevent intentional attacks against food supplies. We work with other government agencies to help reduce the risk of tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions.

For information regarding pricing and availability click here.