Cook 3

ServSafe Certified Food Protection Manager Certification - $165.00

The ServSafe Training and Certification is recognized by more local, state, and federal jurisdictions than any other food safety certification. It provides you with the skills, knowledge,
and abilities you need to perform your job. The ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification is developed by the National Restaurant Association. It is valid for five years. Local laws apply.
Check with your local regulatory agency.

Your success in learning is important to us. That’s why we have implemented higher standards
for the people who train you, our Certified ServSafe Instructors.

This 16 hour (two- day) comprehensive course details food safety components as outlined in the 2013 FDA Model Food Code. From the basics of hand washing to more complex topics such as
foodborne illness, ServSafe will provide you with the building blocks to keep food safe throughout your operation.

You will learn how to ensure compliance with safe food handling practices including:

  • Food allergens
  • Foodborne pathogens and illnesses
  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
  • Forms of Contamination
  • Safe facilities
  • Pest management
  • How to properly receive, store, prepare, display, and serve food
  • Cleaning and sanitizing
  • Personal hygiene practices

ServSafe Re-certification (8 hours -- $125.00) Re-certification is offered the second day of our two-day class. The cost includes 6 hours of classroom instruction and 2 hours for the exam and answer sheet.


 The Business of Food - $80.00new arrival


 This professional development class is designed to enhance your basic understanding of contemporary business practices in the food service industry. Growth and development is essential in today’s market. You will learn to effectively train and manage your staff, explore your target market, inventory control, menu planning and design, accounting and more. Attendees will receive a certificate of completion.

Learn More


HACCP Manager Certification - $300.00Chill 2

This National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Manager Training Program is designed for food processors, food service managers, production supervisors, quality assurance staff, trainers, food safety and HACCP consultants, and regulatory staff who are responsible for food service inspections.

HACCP is a food safety management system used to control risks and hazards. Participants will learn the seven basic principles of HACCP:

  • Conducting a hazard analysis
  • Determining critical control points
  • Establishing critical limits for each critical control point
  • Monitoring systems for each critical control point
  • Corrective actions
  • Verification procedures
  • Documentation and Record Keeping

Participants will be provided all the information to complete one of the following nationally accepted food certification exams:


This class does not include writing a business HACCP Plan. Please contact us for more information. Click Here.


servsafeNational Restaurant Foundation-ServSafe National Restaurant Association-ServSafe

nsfNational Sanitation Foundation National Sanitation Foundation-Experior